Okay, people this is a vent post. This is a regular vent topic with me, so I guess that means keep praying (for me). First, there are multiple techniques for merging when a lane closure is before you. To be clear you are driving along in multiple unified direction lanes and there is a sign that states one lane is going to end soon. What do you do? Merge and continue along your path or use every last bit of "closing" lane pavement before you merge. Well, lets be honest, the wait until the last bit of pavement is used has become a hot topic in the last few years. Prior to living in Texas the merge at the last second was titled "moron driving" in my head, turns out it is called the "zipper-in". There are even articles promoting the virtues of the "zipper-in". Read one here: http://www.dot.state.mn.us/zippermerge/ Here is the problem in the real world, we are not mere drivers getting to our destination. We (drive like we) are actua