Power of a compliment.

Something hit me today about the power of a compliment. I wonder if we stop and think how much further we could get just giving a couple of compliments instead of being negative. Now I'm not saying that I'm saying you use the kind words that the magic winds of Karma, you find the good stuff. 

Celebrate what went well and be open to work on what didn't. Always move the ball forward at all times. Don't be a prima donna diva schmoe. Don't Be a Jerk and dwell on the stuff and staff that is wrong.  Gather everyone around you and celebrate what's going right. If you can't find a win you can't make the world a better place today.  I ate lunch with someone who lives in a sad world where there are no wins. Sadly, I fear that person may find themselves very alone, very soon.

We all work with others and can establish positive equity in any relationtionship.  We can either post deposits or look to make a withdrawal in relational equity.  The honest compliment can be used to build relationships (positive equity) faster than we realize. Always know that when you're dealing with someone with whom you have no relational equity will not accomplish much. Again, a compliment long before you can speak into that hard place will change the outcome.

No man or woman can lead well based solely on whipping the Donkey. At least not for long.


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