
Showing posts from February, 2019

The cost of foster/adoption.

Was asked today for a brief thought on the cost of adoption. First, of all adoption will cost more than you can ever imagine, more time, more money, more stress, more willingness to accept your lack of control, more prayer, more patience, more understanding.  Second, you are not prepared, you can not prepare, you can not understand, you can not do this on your own power.  Third, you and your wife are prayerfully considering something so close to God’s heart that James calls it “pure and undefiled religion”. Religion is not just going to a building a few times a year on Sunday.  Religion is the daily walking out your faith to be more like our Father in heaven.  This journey will give you a chance in this life to walk closer to the Lord than most people can fathom.  The Lord chose to love us, His children in spite of the messes we can make of our lives.  Through Jesus’s sacrifice we can enter the throne room of God cleansed of the messes we often find ourselves in.  Finally, you are