
Showing posts from April, 2019

You really don't know what tomorrow holds. It is better that way.

A little scripture food for thought, we hear clearly don't worry about tomorrow in this gem. Matthew 6:34 gives us the "today will have enough trouble of it own". A few days ago a version of this verse was posted, let's call it the modern translation.  " If you knew what the Lord had planned for tomorrow, you just might miss what He has for you today. Be still and listen."  Still true no matter how you slice, dice or cut down the core.  But let's look at the placement of this gem. The verse before states we should seek the kingdom of the Lord, live a righteous life and He will give us all these things.  These things are simply the daily bread kind of questions, "What shall I eat/wear/drink." Our basic needs of life we often tend to worry about should not be our focus. The following verse calls us not to judge.  How often do we see others around us and covet, want what they have, judge their choices and completely miss what the Lord is doing